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Does Hard Work Really 'Works' ?

/ 2 min read

Many People Think Linearly

Maybe some of you who read this article have been intrigued, or perhaps questioned why people who work hard don’t always succeed. If we think linearly we will understand that if we want to succeed, we have to work hard. But in fact it’s not. This understanding is not wrong, but it is also not completely correct. There is a certain level of awareness to understand it.

Here we are not talking about how big or small the goal will be achieved, but how aware we have when working hard to achieve whatever goal we are aiming for. I try to identify why people work hard and don’t achieve their goals. This is based on my observations, maybe there are other opinions from those of you who read this article.


Most people who work hard actually have a feeling of ‘not enough’ in their consciousness, because there is a feeling of not enough, so they will stick to their goals. It’s very human for us to feel ‘less’ about something like, “I’m not smart enough”, “I don’t have a house yet, even though my friends do”, and so on. Here the message I want to convey is, just try to be aware of this feeling of ‘less’, then look for and be grateful for the things that got you to this point, no matter how small.

Until there, we will have the awareness of ‘abundance’, ‘sufficiency’ or at least we will be neutral first. What are the effects of working hard? If we have awareness of abundance, we will be happy when we work, we will be grateful for God’s blessings, and we will not be burdened whether we have reached our goal or not. Because we enjoy and focus on every step, every process.

Hopefully this short article can open new horizons of thought for you, if you want to discuss further, feel free to contact me Thanks for reading…